The Trauma Facing Zeus
How can anyone look at that cute fuzzy face and want any harm to come to that little bitty dog?
My "darling" daughters, that's who!
It's not enough that Zeus went in for his annual check up yesterday trembling and whining...and that's BEFORE "they" took him behind the big door for the dreaded taking of the temperature (You know where) His terrified screams could be heard in the next county! "Bad Touch!! Bad Touch!!" And that was just the beginning.
Next...Judging from his cries for help, Dracula himself must have taken the blood sample (base line & heart worm check) It nearly made ME cry to listen...alone...waiting in the examination room.
But NOTHING can compare to the awful appearance of every dog's most terrifying nighmare: Needles!!! Three of them...(All necessary & I might add "routine" vaccinations)
"NO! NO! NO! Mommy!! SAVE ME! Can't you SEE what THEY are DOING!??" (All of this sounds different and much louder when a dog says it, by the way)
He Squirmed, Rolled, Pitched a real fit, but was finally subdued, all 6 pounds of him, by two (count 'em--two) full grown, adults, one of whom was wielding the NEEDLE.
Poor little thing...
But, it's not enough trauma! No, NOT nearly enough for the "daughters." OH, NO, there MUST be MORE!!
Did you notice one of the first comments from ONE of the (darling) Dauhters?? It said, and I quote, "When are you going to get HIM Neutered?" No "how is Zeus today?" or "I think he's really cute, can I come over and take him for a little walk in the sunshine?" OH NO--right away, "So, when are you going to get him neutered?"
It's been said by Nightcourt and others (who shall also remain nameless) that Zeus is NOT a manly sort of dog. He's a sissy dog or a terrible comical caricature of a dog, but not a REAL dog.
In his defense, he has at least 4 manly things: A Harley Davidson t-shirt he got for his birthday, a leather collar with spikes he got for Christmas and TWO "you know whats" that were issued as standard equipment when he was born.
That's IT, Folks! That's ALL!! And He's quite ATTACHED to the last two.
Alas, there are THOSE that would DENY him half of his manly possessions. And, notice too, that it's someone of the FEMALE persuasion that wants this additional TRAUMA to befall this poor, helpless, defensless, little dog.
What has the world come to???
How can anyone look at that cute fuzzy face and want any harm to come to that little bitty dog?
My "darling" daughters, that's who!
It's not enough that Zeus went in for his annual check up yesterday trembling and whining...and that's BEFORE "they" took him behind the big door for the dreaded taking of the temperature (You know where) His terrified screams could be heard in the next county! "Bad Touch!! Bad Touch!!" And that was just the beginning.
Next...Judging from his cries for help, Dracula himself must have taken the blood sample (base line & heart worm check) It nearly made ME cry to listen...alone...waiting in the examination room.
But NOTHING can compare to the awful appearance of every dog's most terrifying nighmare: Needles!!! Three of them...(All necessary & I might add "routine" vaccinations)
"NO! NO! NO! Mommy!! SAVE ME! Can't you SEE what THEY are DOING!??" (All of this sounds different and much louder when a dog says it, by the way)
He Squirmed, Rolled, Pitched a real fit, but was finally subdued, all 6 pounds of him, by two (count 'em--two) full grown, adults, one of whom was wielding the NEEDLE.
Poor little thing...
But, it's not enough trauma! No, NOT nearly enough for the "daughters." OH, NO, there MUST be MORE!!
Did you notice one of the first comments from ONE of the (darling) Dauhters?? It said, and I quote, "When are you going to get HIM Neutered?" No "how is Zeus today?" or "I think he's really cute, can I come over and take him for a little walk in the sunshine?" OH NO--right away, "So, when are you going to get him neutered?"
It's been said by Nightcourt and others (who shall also remain nameless) that Zeus is NOT a manly sort of dog. He's a sissy dog or a terrible comical caricature of a dog, but not a REAL dog.
In his defense, he has at least 4 manly things: A Harley Davidson t-shirt he got for his birthday, a leather collar with spikes he got for Christmas and TWO "you know whats" that were issued as standard equipment when he was born.
That's IT, Folks! That's ALL!! And He's quite ATTACHED to the last two.
Alas, there are THOSE that would DENY him half of his manly possessions. And, notice too, that it's someone of the FEMALE persuasion that wants this additional TRAUMA to befall this poor, helpless, defensless, little dog.
What has the world come to???
At 2:39 PM,
The Runt said…
Hm, sounds like you're more attatched to them than he is. Maybe if you ask really nicely they will let you keep them after the surgery. Zeus is one of a kind...let's keep it that way! jk
At 4:23 PM,
Deals On Wheels said…
Sounds like having balls…errrr…"marbles" isn’t helping his "image" at the vet anyway, so what is the point of keeping something that he doesn't utilize?
Of course, if you neutered him than you wouldn't be able to…uh…how do I say this?..."rub them" so that Zeus would "fall asleep". Ew, ew and EW!
At least, if Zeus was neutered, he would cease to "mark" the furniture, which would not be a bad thing.
Plus, all commentary about Zeus not being “a real dog” has more to do with the fact that he weighs six pounds and “yips” instead of “barks”. Tinkerbell-the-cat weighed over eight pounds and could intimidate animals six or seven times her size. Zeus can’t even scare Polomo on a good day.
I’m sorry, but I feel that Zeus’s sense of emasculation stems from the daily baths and hair-styling appointments. Oh, and don’t forget the perfume…he wouldn’t want to smell now would he (he’s a DOG for Pete’s sake!)? I'm waiting for the day that I come over and you have the poor thing in rollers.
I mean, really. You emotionally castrated the dog over a year ago. People see him and yell, “Oh, she’s so cute! What’s her name?” Zeus doesn’t even know that he’s a boy, so what’s the point in keep all that remains of his manhood? It’s like dressing a boy up like a girl – if Zeus was a person, than someone would have called CPS on you long ago!
At 7:52 AM,
Deals On Wheels said…
P.S. My favorite line was the whole "Bad Touch!! Bad Touch!!" thing.
Because, you know, Zeus would think that he was being molested!
At 11:51 AM,
Amstaff Mom said…
I think I'm really disturbed after reading Deals' comments.
Go ahead and finish him off, I say. It's only a matter of time.
At 1:10 PM,
Grammy Pammy said…
Well, maybe it is only a matter of time.
The vet, though, said that neutering him may NOT change his marking behavior, since it is now his "habit."
However, by removing the "marbles" he could avoid medical conditions like testicular cancer (Well, DUH!) and prostate cancer--(Again, DUH.)
But, why not let him lilve out his little doggy life as a whole dog?
At 1:20 PM,
Deals On Wheels said…
You know, its pet owners like you that inadvertently cause the thousands and thousands of unwanted dog births in this country.
For shame! For shame!
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