Grammy Pammy's View From 10,000 ft.

Setting the record straight 24/7 !! Don't sweat the small stuff (from 10,000 ft. it's all small stuff)!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

    My question:

    Why is it that my kids keep getting older, but I don't??


    • At 5:46 PM, Blogger Deals On Wheels said…

      Okay, breathe.

      So, what?...Your mother has a BLOG. Other people have mothers that have BLOGS. This is completely normal...(sorta).

      And we're breathing, and we're breathing, and we're breathing...

    • At 5:49 PM, Blogger Deals On Wheels said…

      Hehe...congrats on finally figuring out how to register for your own personal GRAMMY PAMMY website.

      Will the other Tortugas be following your lead?

      Your granddogs say HELLO (Gypsy Kitty sends three licks and a cold nose poke).

    • At 7:27 PM, Blogger The Runt said…

      my question:
      why won't you neuter zeus?!?

    • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Grammy Pammy said…

      So, how do I get back in to edit my blog and post things?

      Maybe I will neuter Zeus---He keeps marking...

    • At 9:48 PM, Blogger Grammy Pammy said…

      Do you like your new settings?

    • At 9:49 PM, Blogger Grammy Pammy said…

      Oops...sorry! This is Deals (not "Grammy Pammy")!

    • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Amstaff Mom said…

      Wow. It's a whole family of bloggers. You're going to be like Eddo and his mom and sis. I wonder how many blogger families are out there?

      Welcome to the blogosphere!


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